Green Bay & Western Lines
The East-West Short Route
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GBW 50000

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AHW 320 (1981)
AHW 359 (1981)
GBW 55 (1983)
GBW 878 (1971)
GBW 917 (1978)
GBW 10063
GBW 14038
GBW 23001
GBW 50000
WRX 9015 (1965)
WRX 9350

Did you know...

A disastrous roundhouse fire on December 10, 1881 damaged ten of the eighteen locomotives on the Green Bay Route's roster.

Reload this page for more GREEN BAY ROUTE facts.
GBW 5000 was one of fifty 12' door Plate C insulated boxcars built by Fruit Growers Express for the GBW in 1981. The paint is practically still wet in this photo taken soon after it went into service. A handwritten list that from a former GB&W shipper's 'car service' files from the era says these cars were "assigned loads," but I do not have information on what industry was assigned these cars.

Jim Eager collection , 1981.08 .
This photo may not be reproduced without permission.

Official Railway Equipment Register data:

GBW 50000 to 50049   (50 cars)
ORER description: Refrig., Stl., Cush. Und., Movable Blkhds., Roller Bearings, 50K AAR Mech. Designation: RBL
Dimensions: 52'-6" IL x 9'-6" IW x 10'-6" IH Capacity: 5327 cu. ft.; 137000 lbs
Doors: 12'-0" W x 10'-0" H
ORER car totals
& dates:
0 (1/82); 50 (1/83); 50 (1/84); 50 (1/86); 50 (1/87); 50 (1/88); 50 (1/89); 50 (1/90); 50 (4/91); 50 (1/92); 50 (7/93);

Go here for a link to full ORER data, including comments on car series GBW 50000 to 50049.

Modeling links:

Freight Car Models A list of manufacturers, models, and car numbers of Green Bay Route freight cars.
Modeling Tips A compilation of tips on producing models of specific types of Green Bay Route cars.
Decals Past and present sources for Green Bay Route decals and dry transfer lettering.

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
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Updated July 11, 2015