Green Bay & Western Lines
The East-West Short Route
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Bob Wandel

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Did you know...

GB&W #316-318 were apparently the first second-generation diesels to be traded in by any railroad. Original owner Chicago & North Western returned the RS-27s to Alco for new C-425s in December 1966.

Reload this page for more GREEN BAY ROUTE facts.
The Green Bay & Western of the 1960s is being brought to life in HO scale near Denver, Colorado.

Bob Wandel has been a fan of the Green Bay & Western since it was covered in the January 1968 Railroad Model Craftsman, and now he is turning his enthusiasm for the railroad into a 1960s-era model of the GBW's Kewaunee Division... with a little of the C&NW in Green Bay added for variety.

Instead of modeling the uphill grade to Summit along Baird's Creek, Bob is using a helix to represent the grade and provide extra space for other parts of his empire.

The photo below shows the completed benchwork for the Kewaunee Division. New Franken and the helix are behind the Masonite of the left peninsula; Luxemburg is the flat area facing the viewer on the left peninsula. Casco Jct. is on the left side of the right peninsula, with the Ah & W and GBW subroadbed on the right.

Go here for a fall 2006 update on Bob's layout.

Bob Wandel photo, December 2004

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 The Green Bay Route is maintained by Mark Mathu.
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Updated July 11, 2015