One of the largest shippers on the Ahnapee & Western.
Algoma Hardwoods was started as the Ahnapee Seating & Veneer Company in
1892, the same year that the Ahnapee & Western RR laid rails into Algoma
(Ahnapee at the time).
The company was one of the largest shippers on the Ahnapee & Western, and
after the northern portion of the railroad was abandoned in 1968 it was the only
major shipper on the line. Still, the company generated enough traffic to allow
the AHW to remain in business. Shipments were mainly boxcars of finished paneling,
plywood, and wood doors. Before the mid-1950s, logs came into the plant via
rail. After around 1954, US Plywood began to receive veneer flitches from plants
in the Canada, the southeast, and Africa.
This image shows the main part of the plant as it appeared between 1945 and
1959. The main warehouse is at the bottom of the photo along with the shipping
and receiving rail docks (on both sides of the building). The power plant (built
1944/45) is top center with the three tall stacks. The A&W line into Algoma
is on the left parallel to Perry Street and Silver Creek is at the top of the
photo. Note the large wood yard on the right of the image, full of logs awaiting
peeling and pressing into 'Weldwood Plywood'.
For more history of Algoma Hardwoods, check out this link:
This photo post card is titled "Algoma Wis M1026"

Postcard, dated September 1, 1949.