Added December 2014:
614 (1964.04)
Caboose #614 sports a HOME OF THE PACKERS football herald
in April 1964.
Added November 2014:
End is Near for #22 (2014)
Car #22 nears the end of its life at Cassville,
'Packers' Boxcar (HO)
InterMountain will be producing an HO ready-to-run model
of a 40' PS-1 red GBW boxcar with six different road numbers.
Added October 2014:
PS-1 40' Boxcar (O)
Lionel will be producing their 40' PS-1 boxcar lettered
for GBW #777.
All-Door Box Car (O)
MTH is producing its Premier Line 55' All-Door Box Car in
O scale lettered for GB&W in two road numbers.
Plug-Door Boxcar (HO)
Atlas is producing their 40' insulated box car in HO
scale lettered for the Green Bay & Western.
Kit Run for Trainfest (HO)
Accurail is making a special run of boxcar kits for
Trainfest 2014 to be held in Milwaukee on November 8-9.
Builders Photo (1963.09)
A color photo of GB&W Century 424 #311, built by by
Alco in 1963.
Added September 2014:
1960s Train Travelogue DVD
is producing a DVD from the 8 mm films of Joseph Seidl
and Lynn Longley. There is some GB&W content in Seidl's portion.
Added August 2014:
1909 (1909)
Noted Wisconsin postcard photographer J. M. Colby
captured this scene of the Green Bay & Western in Taylor in 1909.
Added April 2014:
Iron (HO)
It's 1944 and the country needs steel - a lot of steel -
to fight the world war. This KGB&W gondola is spotted at the salvage
yard, ready to take a load of scrap iron to the mill to be converted
into new steel.
GB&W Mogul (HO)
Bachmann is producing their Alco 2-6-0 Mogul in a
GB&W #256 paint scheme. The model comes DCC-Ready with an 8-pin NMRA
Added January 2014:
Gondola (HO)
is producing their ready-to-run 53' Thrall Gondola in a
yellow GB&W paint scheme.
2 at Norwood (1986.10)
This trio of GB&W Alco C-424s arrived at Norwood Yard
on Train No. 2 from Wisconsin Rapids on a crisp October morning in 1986.
#310 Leads a Freight Train (HO)
This photo of a freight train on the main line was taken
on the North American Prototype Modelers HO scale layout in Milwaukee,
#402 (1939.08.13)
Power suitable for a first-class railroad finally arrived
with the three 2-8-2 Mikados #401-403 from Alco in 1937.
#142 (1938.08.04)
KGB&W #142 was one of four similar ex-New York
Central 0-6-0 steam switching locomotives acquired from General
Equipment Co. in 1923-25.
Added December 2013:
Vehicles (O)
Diecast Direct has diecast vehicles lettered for the
Green Bay & Western RR. has diecast vehicles lettered for the Green
Bay & Western RR. Included are a 1955 Chevy pickup (1:43 scale) and
a White WC22 dump truck (1:50 scale).
Green Boxcar (HO)
InterMountain is producing their 50 Ft. PS-1 Single Door
Boxcar in the green GB&W paint scheme with a 'HOME OF THE PACKERS'
logo on the car side.
Plug Door Boxcar (O)
Atlas O is producing their 40' insulated box car in O
scale lettered for the Green Bay & Western.
Added November 2013:
(N) - Atlas is producing 2-bay offset side hoppers lettered
for KGBW. The ready-to-run models include a removable coal load.

Added September 2013:
Boxcar (HO)
Walthers will be producing a ready-to-run model of a GBW
waffle-side boxcar in two road numbers. Pre-orders are due by October
31, 2013.
Steel Reefer (S)
Southern California S Gaugers Train Club produced a
custom run of Lionel American Flyer reefers painted as WRX 526. The car
is a special run for the club's second annual "S Fest West
2013" show held this past May. The club has a few cars remaining
for sale.
Ten insulated boxcars with 10' wide plug doors were added
in 1967 and they remained on the roster until 1993. The paint scheme
shown was the standard applied to almost all boxcars in that era.
List (HO)
Athearn ready-to-run #ATH87405, #ATH87406 (50' boxcar GBW
7381, 7386) added to the list of commercial models.
Added August 2013:
C430 Preproduction Samples (HO)
Bowser has shown preproduction samples of its new Alco
C430 models in GBW paint schemes.
Roy Campbell Collection books
Merrill Publishing Associates is discontinuing
publication of the Roy Campbell Collection line of books, including 'The
Green Bay & Western Steam Era' and 'Wisconsin Shortline &
Logging Steam.' They are having a 'Last Chance' sale on their website
and will continue to publish train books that are not from the
collection and plan to continue producing books for railfans. More
information is available at
Added May 2013:
Titletown Train Show
Green Bay & Western railfanning at the Titletown
Train Show in Green Bay, Wis. on April 27-28, 2013.
Wood Reefer (HO)
Atlas is producing their 40' Wood Reefer in two Western
Refrigerator lines road numbers with KRAFT CHEESE MAYONNAISE billboard
#101 (1938)
Engineer Alfred W. Daniels is operating the
600-horsepower switch engine at Green Bay's Mason Street Yard in the
fall of 1938.
Added April 2013:
S-2 Switcher (O)
MTH is producing their Alco S-2 switch engine lettered as
Kewaunee Green Bay & Western #201. The model is equipped with MTH's
Proto-Sound 3.0 DCC sound system, a smoke unit, remote controlled
couplers, directional headlights and a lighted cab interior and number
Boxcar (O)
Weaver is producing their ready-to-run outside-braced 40'
boxcar model lettered for GBW 6022, 6056 and 6244.
Upgraded Alco S-2 with Sound (HO)
Atlas has retooled their HO scale S-2 locomotive and it
is available DCC-ready (Atlas Silver line) or with DCC sound (Atlas Gold
Added February 2013:
This Noble Super Automatic pocket lighter advertised the
GREEN BAY ROUTE on its sides.
Added November 2012:
Alco C-430 (HO)
Bowser has announced production of an Alco C-430 model.
The model will have correct details for the GBW #315, including Hi-Ad
trucks, fuel tank and no dynamic brakes.
Transfer Caboose (HO)
Bluford Shops is producing HO scale transfer cabooses in
five different body styles. At this time a model lettered for the
GB&W is not available, but the Bluford Shops representative in
Milwaukee told me that they plan on producing all of the road names
previously done in N scale-- and GBW #102 & #104 were in their N
scale line.
Added October 2012:
2-6-0 Mogul (N)
Bachmann is producing an N scale DCC-equipped Alco 2-6-0
Mogul based on a GB&W prototype. GB&W is not one of the road
names offered.
Added September 2012:
Red KGB hopper (HO)
Accurail will be selling a limited run Kewaunee Green Bay
& Western offset twin hopper kit at Trainfest in Milwaukee, November
10-11, 2012.
Added July 2012:
9015 (1965.02)
Western Refrigerator Lines started in 1929 with a fleet
of 500 wood refrigerator cars for GB&W customers; by the 1960s most
of the remaining cars were painted gray and had the simplified lettering
scheme shown.
878 (1971.04.04)
GBW 700 to 899 were Pullman Standard PS-1 boxcars
delivered in boxcar red with black ends in 1951. The HOME OF THE PACKERS
logo was added in the early 1960s.
Working on the Railroad
A partial listing (over 1,000 people) who have worked for
the Green Bay Route.
The 'Baumann Report' (2012.07)
Jeff Baumann gives his reports on what's happening to the
ex-GB&W in and around Green Bay. The latest report covers Wolf River
Lumber stopping rail shipments.
Added May 2012:
boxcar (HO)
Accurail is producing a kit for a 40' single sheathed
boxcar lettered for KGB #5514.
WRX steel refrigerator (HO)
Accurail is producing a kit for a 40' steel plug door
Western Refrigerator Lines car of the 1960s.
5000 (1981.04)
GBW 5000 was one of fifty 12' door Plate C insulated
boxcars built by Fruit Growers Express for the GBW in 1981. The paint is
practically still wet in this photo taken soon after it went into
Added April 2012:
SpecCast is producing a model of a 1950s White WC22 dump
truck and a White WC22 lowboy lettered for the Green Bay Route. The
die-cast models have rubber tires, opening doors, hood and end gate and
a detailed engine.
9350 (1968.11)
Western Refrigerator Lines #9350-9351 had a short life on
the WRX roster in the late 1960s, but these two cars were then repainted
and renumbered to GBW 22090-22091 in 1971 and remained in service
through the end of the GBW in 1993.
Caboose (N)
Bluford Shops is producing an N scale transfer caboose
lettered for GBW #102 and 104.
double door boxcar (N)
Fox Valley Models is producing their ready-to-run FMC
5283 cu.ft. double door boxcar model in an Ahnapee & Western paint
scheme in two road numbers.
Added March 2012:
Dump Car (HO)
Walthers is selling a ready-to-run model of a GBW side
dump car. The model is in Walter's Platinum line and includes
factory-installed grab irons and metal wheels.
Locomotive Models (HO, N)
The listing has been expanded to include N-scale models,
as well as HO scale.
caboose (HO)
WrightTRAK is producing a polyurethane resin kit for a
KOG/MP/GBW caboose. An ex-MP caboose from this class was put in service
on the GB&W in 1981 and was typically assigned to the 'Plover local'
which served the paper mills in Central Wisconsin, then assigned to the
Green Bay - Kewaunee 'Boat Train' starting around January 1990.
Added February 2012:
GBW 10000-10099 were 70-ton, 50'6", Plate C boxcars
(former East Camden & Highland 2351-2499) which came to the railroad
in three batches during 1981 - 1984. They had minimal repainting when
put into GBW service. They went off the roster in 1991.
Wisconsin and Michigan Memories DVD
C. Vision Productions is producing a DVD from the 8 mm
films of Arthur E. Paris. The DVD rounds out with the GB&W's
red-and-gray Alco locomotives in Green Bay in the 1960s.
Added December 2011:
#55 (1983.04.23)
Thrall Door boxcars arrived in the early 70s. They were
used to carry hardboard products to Ford plants in the Detroit area.
Added November 2011:
Depot Kit (HO)
Enginehouse Services has an HO scale wood kit of
GB&W's depot at Seymour, Wis. The kit is laser cut wood with roofing
Added September 2011:
#3 Joseph H. Scranton (ca. 1872)
The crew poses with their wood-burning locomotive #3
during the early days of the Green Bay Route.
Added July 2011:
2-6-0 Mogul (HO)
Bachmann is producing an Alco 2-6-0 Mogul in DCC-ready
and DCC sound-equipped models. The pre-production model appears to be
very similar to GBW #56/256 with the correct boiler shape, driver
spacing, dome placement, bell, headlight, piping and tender. The major
difference between the model and the prototype is the placement of the
air pumps on the fireman's side.
Added June 2011:
The 'Baumann Report' (2011.06)
Jeff Baumann gives his reports on what's happening to the
ex-GB&W in and around Green Bay. The latest report covers the Trail
to Black Creek; Caboose Info.
Added March 2011:
Updated Decal Set (HO)
DM Custom Decals' Diesel Hood Unit set now includes 36x19
inch heralds for the red-and-gray scheme and early red scheme, also
28x19 inch heralds for the later all-red scheme.
Vehicles (O)
Diecast Direct has 1:43 scale diecast vehicles lettered
for the Green Bay & Western RR. Included are 1950 & 1953 pickup
trucks, and a 1941 auto.
Adds Boxcars (1979.06.16)
Jim Gingle, switch foreman for the Green Bay &
Western Railroad, rides one of 450 boxcars being delivered to the
railroad during a two-month period.
Car (HO)
MDC Roundhouse is producing a ready-to-run 40' pickle car
decorated for Green Bay Pickle Company, a division of Green Bay Food
Co., reporting marks GBFX.
Added January 2011:
caboose (HO)
WrightTRAK is considering producing a polyurethane resin
kit for a KOG/MP/GBW caboose. One of these former KOG/MP cabooses was
added to the GBW roster the summer of 1980 and it remained with the
railroad until the WC's purchase of the GBW in 1993.
The model would be based on the company's SCL
International Car Company caboose kit with new tooling for the sides and
ends of the car. In order to make the project viable, WrightTRAK
requires a minimum 100 preorders for the kit. More details are on the WrightTRAK
home page.
Added December 2010:
41' Gondola (HO)
Digital Fox has released a special run kit of KGB&W
steel gondolas.
#609 (1940)
Caboose #609 soon after rebuilding with bay windows in
Added November 2010:
Cotton Tee Shirts
Retro is selling Hanes® T-Shirts with the GREEN BAY ROUTE logo or the
GBW cartoon figure from the 1970s.
Added September 2010:
Hoppers (HO)
Accurail will be selling a limited run Kewaunee Green Bay
& Western hopper kit at Trainfest in Milwaukee, November 13-14,
Locomotive (HO)
Walthers is re-running their PROTO 1000 Alco RS-2 diesel
in GBW red-and-gray paint.
#618 (1976.05)
The last new cabooses on the Green Bay Route were #608
and #618, identical cars built in 1969.
#112 (1989.09.28)
The final caboose added to the roster was this
second-hand cupola caboose, originally Kansas Oklahoma & Gulf #1549,
later Missouri Pacific #11241.
Added August 2010:
Rod Boxcars (HO)
Westerfield is producing resin boxcar kits of A&W and
KGB&W truss rod boxcars.
Added July 2010:
HH 660 model (HO)
Atlas will be producing their Alco HH-600/660 locomotive
model in GB&W's red and gray paint scheme.
A&W #620 (1939)
Ahnapee & Western's sole caboose from the 1920s
onward was #020.
#08 (1939.04.22)
This ex-Great Northern caboose was acquired by the
GB&W in October 1925.
Added June 2010:
#608 (1961.11)
Caboose #608 was a survivor, lasting into the era when
most wood cabooses had been replaced by new steel cars.
#114 (1984.09)
Steel bay-window caboose #114.
#102 (1980.08)
In the 1960s., the Green Bay Route built five transfer
cabooses were built from the underframes of old wood cabooses.
#113 (1980.08)
Built by Thrall Car in 1961 as #613, this caboose was
renumbered into the #100- series in 1978.
Added May 2010:
Cover (1980s)
This matchbook from the 1980s emphasized the full range
of distribution solutions offered by the GBW - railroad, trucking and
Ferry Roster
A listing of the Ann Arbor and Pere Marquette car ferries
which called on the Green Bay Route at Kewaunee, and their dates of
Added April 2010:
Transfer caboose X012 in Green Bay.
of Caboose 603 Rediscovered (2002)
The body of caboose #603 was sold by the GBW in 1972 and
it now serves as part of a house in northern Wisconsin.
Hoppers (HO)
GBW Historical Society is selling a kit of yellow GBW
offset side twin hoppers.
Added February 2010:
Insulated Boxcar (HO)
Accurail will be producing a kit for a 40' yellow GBW
insulated boxcar.
Added January 2010:
Gondola - 3-Number Set (HO)
Accurail is producing its 41' AAR steel gondola as a
3-car set with different KGB road numbers, as well as individual kits.
Freight Car Roster
Freight car data from 1904, 1913 and 1917 Official
Railway Equipment Registers added to the freight car roster information.
Model List
HO scale 41' AAR gondola KGB 3-car set by Accurail added
to the list of commercial models.
Added December 2009:
HO scale 40' wood reefer with 'Kraft Foods' billboard
lettering by Train Miniature added to the list of commercial models.
Bay & Western Layout Construction (HO)
Paul Bellemore of Ontario, Canada is modeling the
GB&W and Fox River Valley RR in 1993.
Added November 2009:
Pass (1895)
This was the style of pass used during the last full year
of operation of the Green Bay, Winona & St. Paul Railroad.
N scale 50' waffle side boxcar GBW #2729 by A J
California Crossing added to the list of commercial models.
50' Exterior Post Boxcar (HO)
Atlas is producing a yellow GB&W 50'-6"
exterior-post 'Railbox' style ACF boxcar in two road different GBW road
scale RS-3 (G)
Joe Lienau has been modeling the A&W Railway in G
scale and has a a custom painted GBW RS-3.
Gross' Proto-Freelanced GB&W Roster (HO)
Eddie Gross has a complete roster of HO scale locomotives
based on the prototype GB&W's roster, with a few
"what-if?" additions added for fun.
Bay Route Lapel Pin
Sundance Marketing is producing a Green Bay Route lapel
Added October 2009:
& Western Pass (1905)
#192: Mr. Thos. P. Fowler President Ontario & Western
Added August 2009:
Magazine Articles (2009.05)
Kitbash a GB&W Ballast Hopper, in N Scale
Railroading, May / June 2009. Green Bay & Western's short ballast
hopper is a fund project on a low budget.
Model (HO, N)
Atlas is producing a model of GBW #323 in both HO and N
depot to be restored (2009.07.27)
Whitehall will receive $391,000 in federal grants to
renovate the GB&W train depot in the heart of the city.
Added July 2009:
C-424 in all-red (HO)
Atlas has reissued their Alco C-424 Phase III in GBW's
all-red paint scheme and road number #314.
Added May 2009:
40' Steel Boxcar (HO)
Weaver is producing a GB&W boxcar in four different
road numbers.
50' FMC Plug Door Box (HO)
Athearn is producing ready-to-run models of 50' outside
braced boxcars in two GBW road numbers.
Added April 2009:
Plug Door Boxcar (N)
Atlas is producing a 40' yellow boxcar with oxide red
ends in two road numbers.
5347 Cu. Ft. GBW & EACH Boxcars (HO)
Athearn is producing ready-to-run models of FMC 5347 cu.
ft. boxcars in GBW lettering.
Added February 2009:
5347 Cu Ft Boxcar (N)
Fox Valley Models is producing an FMC 5347 Cu Ft single
door boxcar in GBW paint with four different road numbers.
Added December 2008:
'Paint-Outs' (HO)
Marv Preussler created these fantastic GBW & AHW
'paint-out' boxcars from Athearn models.
PS 5277 50´ Boxcar (HO)
Athearn is reissuing their ready-to-run version of GBW's
1700- series 50' outside braced boxcars in two new road numbers.
9350 (ca. 1970)
Western Refrigerator Lines #9350-9351 were short-lived on
the WRX roster in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Added November 2008:
exterior-braced boxcar (HO)
Accurail will be producing an eight-panel outside braced
wood boxcar kit with GB&W lettering.
Junction Depot (1908)
A westbound train takes on passengers at the Amherst
Junction depot.
Added October 2008:
Crew of No. 23 (1939)
Lem Lahie and Rudy Flanzer stand proudly in front of
their steam locomotive in Waupaca Wis. in 1939.
Brass RS-2 (HO)
Division Point will import a brass Alco RS-2 model in a
GB&W paint scheme.
Added September 2008:
Paint for #313 (2008.09.12)
Ex-GB&W C-424 #313 has fresh coat of paint on the
Minnesota Commercial Railway.
wood reefer (HO)
Accurail will be selling a limited run 40' wood reefer at
Trainfest in Milwaukee, November 8-9, 2008.
Depot (1976.04)
Eastbound Train No. 2 at the Plover depot.
& Western reefer (HO)
GBW Historical Society offers a special run Ahnapee &
Western 40' wood reefer. The model is a custom-painted and lettered
Accurail kit.
Added August 2008:
at Cheeseville (ca. 1930)
WRX reefers at the Kraft Cheese plant in Plymouth, Wis.
14026 (1960)
Added to the Freight
Car Photo Roster.
1155 (1975)
Added to the Freight
Car Photo Roster.
The 'Baumann Report' (2008.08)
Jeff Baumann gives his reports on what's happening to the
ex-GB&W in and around Green Bay.
54, Where Are You? (2008)
This Fairmont MT-19 speeder is painted in the GB&W's
classic red-and-gray paint scheme.
Locomotive (HO)
Atlas is producing their Alco RS-11 diesel locomotive in
GB&W red & gray paint.
in red & gray (O)
Atlas O is producing their Alco C-424 locomotive in
powered and unpowered versions in the GBW's red & gray paint scheme
of the 1960s.
Added May 2008:
Gondola (HO)
Accurail will be producing its 41' AAR steel gondola
decorated painted and lettered for GBW.
Reefer (O)
GB TV Service & Trains offers a special run of
Western Refrigerator Lines 40' wood reefer lettered for Red Crown meats.
Cover (ca. 1960)
This matchbook promotes the less-than-carload service,
and the inside lists the connecting railroads.
Added April 2008:
Bay Food Pickle Car (HO)
MDC Roundhouse is producing a ready-to-run 40' pickle car
decorated for Budlong Pickle Company, a division of Green Bay Food Co.,
reporting marks GBFX.
Double Plug Door Boxcar (HO)
Accurail is producing a new boxcar with GBW lettering,
The 'Baumann Report' (2008.04)
Jeff Baumann gives his reports on what's happening to the
ex-GB&W in and around Green Bay.
Added March 2008:
List (1984.02.18)
Train No. 2 departed Wisconsin Rapids at 6:30 P.M. on
Saturday, February 18, 1984. The train departed 'Rapids' with 16 loaded
cars, 24 empties, two engines and a caboose.
Added February 2008:
Cover (ca. 1940)
This 'pull-quick' pack of ten matches uses a hidden
ignition striker strip to ignite the round wooden match sticks as they
were quickly pulled from the container and is probably from the 1930s or
Added January 2008:
Junction Derailment (1940)
A crew works to stabilize derailed hoppers at Casco
Junction in the spring of 1940.
Hoppers (Z)
Full Throttle is selling 33' open offset-side two-bay
hoppers in red and yellow.
List (O)
WRX 11981, 11982, 11983, 11984 'Marty Cheese' billboard
reefer from GB TV Service & Trains, Green Bay, Wis. added to the Model List.
List (O)
WRX 11525, 11526 'Hamilton & Sons Canning Co.'
billboard reefer from GB TV Service & Trains, Green Bay, Wis. added
to the Model List.
Boxcar Models (HO)
Accurail announced new roadnames on their line of HO
models, including a 40' PS-1 boxcar and a 40' plug door boxcar.
Added December 2007:
4000 (1979.10)
Added to the Freight
Car Photo Roster.
X106 (1971.09.05)
This MOW flatcar was built from the underframe of a
passenger coach.
Junction (1950)
The trackwork at Casco Junction with comments from a
former general manager of the railroad.
2-8-0 (1947)
Equipment diagram for KGBW #398 / GBW #399 / AHW #261
added to the 1947 Equipment Diagrams.
Builders Photo (1951.05)
The first Alco RS-3 arrived on the GB&W in May 1951.
Halls Creek Culvert (1968)
This culvert replaced the damaged bridge over the East
Fork of Halls Creek.
at the Yard Office (1976.04)
Bill Christopher caught RS-20 #305 at the Norwood Yard
office on an overcast April day in 1976.
Added November 2007:
Pulpwood at Rapids (1984.08)
Eastbound train No. 2 has arrived at Wisconsin Rapids.
Brass FA-1 locomotive (HO)
Division Point will import a brass Alco FA-1 model in a
GB&W paint scheme.
Pass (1901)
The style of the passes settled into a familiar pattern,
with only color changes from year to year.
wood reefers (HO)
Branchline Trains will be producing their WRX 40' wood
reefer as a ready-to-run model with four different car models.
Derailment (ca. 1900)
A wrecker is called in to upright a GBW boxcar which is
leaning precariously over the side of a wooden trestle.
Added October 2007:
787 (1971)
Added to the Freight
Car Photo Roster.
Train Wreck! (1969.05.31)
New pictures from the the 1969 derailment of locomotive
#315 and business car #600 "ROAMER."
If? (HO)
If the Green Bay & Western had survived into the
modern era, what would the motive power look like?
Added September 2007:
Coal, Water & Turntables
Locations of these facilities on the Green Bay Route.
Bay (1968)
Great images from a very tumultuous time in the Ahnapee
& Western's history.
Added August 2007:
Bridge Approach (ca. 1972)
A train approaches the Mississippi River bridge after
departing Bridge yard in Winona.
Power at New London (1980.05)
Freshly rebuilt #322 was in the lead of this
extra-powerful consist in May 1980.
Boxcar (HO)
Accurail will be selling a limited run 40' red boxcar at
Trainfest in Milwaukee, November 10-11, 2007.
Boxcar (1965)
The Green Bay & Western added 200 boxcars to its
roster in early 1951 -- the first steel boxcars on the railroad.
Added July 2007:
Boxcar (1969)
A Green Bay Route boxcar got toasted in a US Plywood
plant fire.
Added June 2007:
List (HO)
Walthers HO scale 50' gondola added.
New locomotive model (O)
Atlas O is producing their Alco C-424 locomotive model in
powered and unpowered versions, available with or without sound.
Expected in 2008.
Added May 2007:
on the Move (1968.05)
A 1968 track bulletin covers the movement of the business
car ROAMER over the railroad on May 9-10, 1968.
Refrigerator Car (O)
Kalmbach has a limited-run (1500 models) Western
Refrigerator Lines wood-side refrigerator car to commemorate the 20th
anniversary of Classic Toy Trains magazine.
Added April 2007:
RS-2 Locomotive (HO)
Walthers is producing their PROTO 1000 Alco RS-2 diesel
in GBW red-and-gray paint. The model is powered with a newly-designed
power train using helical gears and a 14:1 gear ratio.
Green Bay Depot Model (HO)
EngineHouse Services is planning to produce a styrene kit
of GBW's Green Bay Depot. This model is based on the way the building
looked shortly before the 1977 fire which destroyed it.
Pass (1896)
Although always closely aligned with the GBW&StP, in
1896 the KGB&W was still an independent railroad, as evidenced by
this pass.
Decals (HO)
GBW&StP boxcar #1054 and A&W reefer #3001 decal
sets from Art Griffin added to the decal list.
Caboose (HO)
Scratcbuilt transfer caboose #101 at Norwood Yard on Marv
Preussler's GB&W layout.
Added March 2007:
billboard reefer (HO)
The Plymouth Model Railroad Society has reefers hand
painted and decaled Western Refrigerator Lines reefers.
Car Photo Roster (1972)
Hopper #418 was a Pullman Standard car based on the 1935
AAR standard. By 1970 most cars were painted yellow. Some remained in
service until late 1980s, then sold to Wisconsin paper mills.
Car Photo Roster (1969)
Hoppers #414, 415 were modified as covered hoppers in the
1960s and used to supply sand to the engine facilities in Green Bay and
Wisconsin Rapids.
Car Photo Roster (1969)
Ten green box cars were originally from a pool of 540
GAEX 50' damage-free box cars built from 1950-1955. They arrived about
1960 and were the first 50-foot boxcars on the GBW's roster.
Car Photo Roster (ca. 1960)
#112008 as it appeared when it arrived on the GBW.
Magazine Articles
The magazine article 'General American/Evans 50-foot DF
box cars, part I,' in Mainline Modeler, March 1990, Hundman Publishing
added. It has a photo of GAEX 112000, which was leased by GBW in the
1960s & 70s.
Freight Car Roster
Builders info on GBW 112000-112012 (ex- GAEX) added.
Photos on the WWW
82 new images from the Wisconsin Central Motive Power and
Railcar photo archive added to the links to on-line photos.
#901 (1982.04)
Auto-Train dome car at Green Bay & Western's Norwood
Shops, April 1982.
River Bridge (1986.06)
The fisherman standing beneath the Yellow River bridge is
unimpressed as 250 tons of GB&W locomotives pass overhead.
Added January 2007:
Bay Window Caboose - Short
Scale drawings of a Green Bay Route caboose.
Added December 2006:
Elevator (1975)
The grain elevator dominates this view of Norwood Yard in
Green Bay.
Caboose #104 (1980)
In the latter part of the 1960s the Green Bay &
Western rebuilt most of their remaining wood cabooses as transfer
cabooses like this one.
X604 (1964)
GBW #604 was rebuilt with bay windows, but later they
were removed and the caboose renumbered X604; it was then used as a
transfer caboose around Green Bay.
Elevator (1910)
Green Bay and Western elevator and shops in Green Bay.
Walthers O scale WRX #9227 added.
boxcar (HO)
Accurail has added a 50' steel GBW boxcar to its product
Added November 2006:
Update (HO)
An update on Bob Wandel's fantastic 1960s Kewaunee
Division layout.
'Packers' boxcar (HO)
Special run for Trainfest in Milwaukee, Wis. - Nov. 11
& 12, 2006.
Added October 2006:
Plume (1976.04)
RS-2 #304 shoots a plume of Alco 'turbo lag' smoke into
the Plover sky.
1943-44 Seniority List (1944)
This seniority list, compiled by Bud Beattie, has 384
GB&W/KGB&W/A&W employees.
Promoted (1976)
A remarkable letter from the General Superintendent to
the President of the GB&W informing him that he has been promoted to
Locomotive Engineer.
Museum Pieces
Wood boxcar GBW 6158 at the National Railroad Museum in
Green Bay, and mail-baggage combine #20 at Rapid River, Mich. have been
added to the list of preserved equipment.
Added September 2006:
on the GB&W (1983.05)
What may have been the most unique pairing of diesel
locomotives to ever ride the Green Bay & Western: #312 in a
one-of-a-kind "chevron" paint scheme along with LR&W #102.
86-foot Boxcar Decals (HO)
DM Custom Decals has a set of decals for GBW 86-foot auto
parts high cube boxcars.
Rapids Depot Staff (1947.05.10)
Many of the Wisconsin Rapids depot staff posed for the
camera in front of the old depot.
#38 Builders Photo (1914.07)
Kewaunee Green Bay & Western #38, built by the
American Locomotive Company.
Added August 2006:
in Color (ca. 1940)
A rare color photo of steam power on the Green Bay Route.
Added to the Freight Car Photo Roster.
GBW #141 (ca. 1937)
More information about the milk cars that ran between
Casco and Sturgeon Bay in the 1930s..
Model List
The 5th Avenue Car Shops 40' wood boxcar (GBW 8142) has
been added to the list.
wood boxcar (HO)
5th Avenue Car Shops has reissued its kit for a GBW
8100-series 6-panel wood outside braced boxcars with steel Dreadnaught
ends. The car is an Accurail model with custom lettering for GBW #8142.
Pass #386 was unique in that it was good for the General
Manager of a nearby railroad, as well as five additional employees.
Green Bay and Western Wreck in Merrillan, Jackson County,
WI, 1968. Check out the link to 'additional photos' at the bottom of the
Added July 2006:
Road (1982)
Alco C-424 #312 with a fresh on-of-a-kind
paint job passes Sand Road, just west of Merillan, Wis.
List (1967)
This switch list shows the cars, loads,
and destinations of freight cars picked up at the Ahnapee &
Western's interchange with the Green Bay & Western on
Monday October 30, 1967.
Photo CD
Railroad Paper Collectibles is making a
photo CD from the collection of Verne Brummel. Volume 9 of the series
covers the Green Bay & Western and Milwaukee Road branch lines in
Wisconsin in the 1970s.
diagram (1980)
AHW 50-foot double door boxcar. Black
underframe and trucks. Black lettering and herald.
Added June 2006:
A track chart of Norwood Yard in Green
Bay, Wis.
This pass was issued to the president of
the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RR, and was extended through 1937
by overwriting the expiration date.
Care of Business (ca. 1982)
GBW #323 leads a short business train.
Added May 2006:
Car #603 (1969)
Business car #603 in Green Bay, Wis.
Models (HO,O)
Walthers will be producing an HO scale
red 53' gondola and MTH will be making an O scale yellow two-bay
covered hopper.
2900 to 2974
Seventy-five boxcars arrived in 1974. The
cars were stretched from 40' riveted side boxcars by American-Fletcher
leasing and carried the standard yellow paint scheme of the 1970s.
Depot (HO)
Walthers is producing a model based on
the GBW's depot at Whitehall, Wisconsin as part of its Cornerstone
series of kits.
Letter (1991)
A July 10, 1991 letter announces that a
single management team will operate the GBW and the Fox River Valley
Added April 2006:
Eastbound train No. 2 rolls through the
town of Taylor on a beautiful summer day in Wisconsin.
Added April 2006:
GBW Photo CD
and Book
Merrill Publishing Associates has a photo CD and book
titled "Green Bay & Western Steam Locomotives." It
contains 169 images from the collection of the late Roy Campbell.
ballast spreader (HO)
Andy Laurent modeled the KGB's plow / ballast spreader
with a low (summer) plow blade.
Shares of stock were issued by the railroad and
represented part ownership of the company, while bonds were a loan to
the railroad which needed to be repaid back on a set schedule.
Ready-To-Run Boxcar (HO)
Kadee has re-run its 40' PS-1 boxcar with a new GBW
road number.
GBW 45
Added to the Freight Car
Photo Roster.
GBW 1135
Added to the Freight Car
Photo Roster.
WRX 9670
Added to the Freight Car
Photo Roster.
The "Baumann Report"
(April 2006)
Jeff Baumann gives his reports on what's
happening to the ex-GB&W in and around Green Bay.
Added March 2006:
of Lading (1937)
Refrigerated car WRX #9168 shipped 36,000
pounds of potatoes from Stevens Point to Paducah, Ky.
Added to the Freight
Car Photo Roster.
Semi Trailer Decals
DM Custom Decals has a set of decals for
red Green Bay & Western Lines semi trailers. The decals have white
lettering and heralds, light gray side stripe with black outline, and
black numbers.
Green Bay Route' on DVD
Pentrex has reissued its video 'The Green
Bay Route' on DVD. The 72-minute video has a chapter menu and comes in a
clamshell case.
#615 (1977)
Wearing fresh yellow paint in Wisconsin
Post Boxcar (N scale)
InterMountain will be producing a
ready-to-run model of a Pullman-Standard 5277 boxcar, lettered for GBW
with six different road numbers.
This #10 envelope bore the image of GBW
#314 on the front, and a stylized route map on the back with an emphasis
on the railroad's car ferry connections at Kewaunee.
Added February 2006:
& Western Pencil (ca. 1940s)
The pencil reads:
Railway Express Agency
Ahnapee & Western Railway
E. F. Bushman, Agent.
Bay Junction (1909)
An early view of the Green Bay &
Western's namesake depot.
Gravel Pit (ca. 1945)
Consolidation #399 switches the
gravel pit on the east side of the Black River in Hatfield.
Depot (2006)
The former GB&W depot in Whitehall
was listed on the Wisconsin Register of Historic Places following a
meeting of the state Historic Preservation Review Board on January 20.
Added January 2006:
the Diamond (1981)
An eastbound train fouls the Chicago
& North Western crossing at Merrillan.
Caboose (1981)
Caboose #112 was at the end of an
eastbound train passing through Merrillan in 1981.
Railroad passes gave unlimited
transportation over the Green Bay Route.
A hard hat issued by the Green Bay &
Added December 2005:
Plow Train (1985)
RS-20 #306 and C-424 #312 push GBW's X190
plow the morning after a heavy snowfall.
#609 (1966)
GBW wooden caboose #609 near the end of
its service on the railroad.
Rapids Bridge (1909)
This four-span through-truss bridge was
built in 1872 as part of the original railroad.
Bay Open Hopper (1984)
Seventy-five one-bay hoppers came from
the Lake Superior & Ishpeming Railroad in 1982.
Gondola (2002)
Gondola #33 at Wolf Brothers Sawmill,
Stetsonville, Wis.
FA - Running in the Shadow (2005)
This new 160-page book traces the history of the
Alco FA series locomotives, including the GBW/KGB fleet.
50' Boxcar (HO)
Accurail has added a 50' exterior post
boxcar painted and lettered as a blue GBW boxcar.
Paul Coal Docks (1907)
The coal docks on the west bank of the
Fox River in Green Bay started as an enterprise of the Green Bay,
Winona & St. Paul RR in the 1880s -- hence the name St. Paul
Coal Docks.
Added November 2005:
KGB&W Lash-Up
(HO scale)
Precision Craft will be offering an Alco
FA-1 set of KGB&W #501/#502. The locos are available with or without
S-1 (HO scale)
Kevin Prohl made this great model of an RS-1 from a
Life-Like model.
Hopper (HO)
Accurail has added a two-bay hopper lettered in the
GBW 1940s-50s scheme to its catalog.
Added October 2005:
FC 170 hi-rail (2005)
A Jeep four-wheel drive maintenance truck
still carries traces of Green Bay & Western lettering.
(HO scale)
As modeled by Kevin Prohl.
660 #101 at Norwood (ca. 1955)
GBW #101 sits at the Norwood Yard turntable in this
undated photo from the 1950s.
Ballast (HO, N scale)
Reproductions has GBW limestone ballast!
Added September 2005:
Bay Yard Action (ca. 1930)
It's the heart of the Great Depression, and one of the
Green Bay Route's ubiquitous 2-6-0 Moguls is switching cars in the
Sturgeon Bay yard.
The Baumann Report
Jeff Baumann gives his report on what's happening to the
ex-GB&W in and around Green Bay.
#309 High
Hood (1960)
Green Bay & Western #309 represents an era of transition on the
railroad, at least from a locomotive standpoint.
Alco RSD-15 'Alligator'
Broadway Limited will be producing DCC-equipped
Alco RSD-15 locomotives in GBW's paint scheme.
Model (HO)
Athearn will be producing a ready-to-run version of
GBW's 1700- 50' outside braced boxcars. This model is based on an ex-MDC
#350 (ca. 1940)
At Winona, Minnesota.
Added July 2005:
Gondola (HO Scale)
Modeler's Choice has a styrene kit of a
Thrall 14-panel gondola. This model is an exact match for ten GBW
gondolas built in 1977. The modeler must supply additional detail parts
to complete the model.
206 (1963)
GBW 200-209 came from Greenville Steel
Car Co. in 1963. Ten more similar cars came from ACF the following year.
Added June 2005:
Enginehouse (1980)
Locomotives were housed in this facility
at the west end of the railroad.
C-424 (HO)
Atlas will be producing their Alco C-424 in new paint
schemes, including GBW #319, #321 (and no number) in the all-red paint
scheme of the early 1980s.
in Winter (1990)
GBW's Alco C-424 #321 sits in Wisconsin
Rapids on a sunny winter day.
Added May 2005:
& Northern (ca. 1900)
A series of postcards shows the Iola
& Northern, which would eventually become a rural branch of the
Green Bay & Western.
Ex-GBW Trail to Open
The Friends of Tomorrow River
State Trail invite everyone to join in celebrating the opening of a
new portion of the trail starting at 1 p.m.
June 4, 2005, beginning with a ribbon cutting ceremony.
The new trail incorporates eight miles of ex-GBW right-of-way from near
Amherst Junction to Scandinavia.
RS-27s #316-317 load the Chessie
System's City of Midland 41
on a sunny Sunday afternoon in Kewaunee.
An interesting switcher which operated
briefly on the GB&W but never was repainted.
#255 (1940)
In the early 1900s, the Green Bay Route
relied heavily on 2-6-0 (Mogul) steam locomotives for power.
Model News (HO
Alco RS-27 diesel with DCC and sound from
Life Like; 50' plug door boxcar from Accurail.
Builders Photo (1949)
FA-1s like these silenced steam power on
the railroad.
Bridge Yard (1972)
Alco C-424 #314 and C-430 #315 leads a
train out of Winona's Bridge Yard in the summer of 1972.
Marv Preussler's
Kewaunee Division (HO)
It's a beautiful spring day in Wisconsin
as a Green Bay & Western RS-2 blasts its signature black smoke while
pulling a one of the GBW's yellow boxcars from the Pauly Cheese Company
located in Green Bay's "cheese house" district.
Added April 2005:
Bridge Token (ca. 1930)
This aluminum token was good for one
crossing of the joint railroad / highway bridge in Sturgeon Bay.
Bay Window Caboose (HO scale)
William K. Walthers, Inc. will be making
a ready-to-run International Car Company steel bay window caboose.
GBW #308 (2005)
Ex- GBW #308 has been sold in operating
condition by the KB&S RR to a private owner, who plans to restore it
to the GBW's classic red and gray paint scheme.
in Kewaunee (HO scale)
Bob Wandel's carferry in in place in his
GBW layout.
Orchard & Egyptian boxcars (1986)
These orange boxcars came from the
Ahnapee & Western in 1983.
Added March 2005:
at Dodge (2001)
The GBW's crossing of the Trempealeau
River at Dodge, Wis. used an unusual skewed two-span pony truss bridge
with a curved alignment to cross the muddy green waters of the
Trempealeau River.
RSD 15 #2405 (1992)
Some of the more unique power to ever
ride on GBW rails had to be the ex- Lake Superior & Ishpeming
Point (1976)
An RS-2 pulls a single car across the
crossing of the Soo Line main line.
Caboose #101 (ca. 1980)
GBW #101 was a transfer caboose built in
the 1960s from an old wooden caboose underframe.
of Whitehall (1992)
Eastbound Train No. 2 crests the hill
east of Whitehall.
#25 and Crew (1910)
GB&W 4-4-0 #25 leads a train of
flatcars loaded with earth.
Added February 2005:
No. 2 at Merrillan (1988)
Eastbound Train No 2 comes into Merrillan
in October 1988 behind a freshly repainted #312.
RS20s (7.5" gauge)
GBW #305 will be on display at the
Metro Model Railroad Club Show in Cedarburg, Wis. on
March 13.
in the "Dead Line" (1939)
2-8-0 #302 awaits its fate with the
scrapper's torch.
Builders Plate (1913)
Builders plate from GBW #302, built July
1913 by the American Locomotive Company in Schenactady, N.Y.
The Green Bay & Western of the 1960s
is being brought to life in HO scale near Denver, Colorado.
in Plover
A very late eastbound Train No. 2 pauses
next to the Plover wayfreight.
Shows off its paint scheme of the early
River Job (ca. 1992)
GBW #307 pulls a cut of cars off the
Quincy Street spur near the James River Paper Company.
Added January 2005:
40' PS-1 Boxcar Kitbash
(HO scale)
is a relatively straightforward kitbashing project that results in a
nice model of a unique GB&W and Milwaukee Road prototype.
4 at Amherst Junction (1986)
Train No. 4, the Plover way freight,
works the Pavelski Enterprises (later FS Cooperative) fertilizer company
in Amherst Junction.
#301 Restoration
The DSS&A Division of the Soo Line
Historical and Technical Society is offering GBW #301 the
opportunity to purchase and restore this locomotive.
steps to a better Accurail WRX reefer (HO)
Andy Laurent gives tips for improving an
Accurail reefer to better represent the prototype.
on the Green Bay & Western on DVD
Plets Express reports that their video 'Alcos
on the Green Bay & Western' is sold out on VHS. The title will not
be restocked until it is available on DVD.
Added December 2004:
RS-2s on the Move (2004)
GBW #301 and #303 were on the move from Blissfield, Mich. to the
Lake Superior Railroad Museum in Duluth, Minn in October 2004.
GBW Consolidation and
50' Plug Door Boxcar (O scale)
TV Service & Trains is offering an O scale version of GB&W steam
locomotive #302. It is a custom run of a Weaver Models 2-8-0. They
also have a custom run yellow 50' boxcar.
Added November 2004:
#2486 (1979)
This Alco C-424 would become GBW #320 in about a year.
National #901 (1976)
This Alco RS-27 was soon to be repainted
and renumbered as Green Bay & Western #318.
902 (1968)
Chicago & Northwestern #902 (future GBW #317) on
what appears to be the Penn Central in April 1968.
#141 (ca. 1940)
This unique flatcar had tanks added to transport milk
and cream from the Van Camp Condensory in Casco, Wis. to the Van Camp
plant in Sturgeon Bay.
It is early summer 1964, and K.C. Henkels captured
RS-2 #302 at Green Bay.
from Trainfest
November 13 & 14,. Milwaukee, Wis.
Covered Hopper (HO)
Walthers has re-released their 37'
Trinity covered hopper as a ready-to-run model with new GBW road
Hunting (1910)
Back in 1910 the Green Bay & Western
used to rent box cars to hunting parties in Wisconsin.
There's nothing quite like whacking a ball with a
Green Bay Route logo on it.
GBW 301, 4045
the Freight Car Photo Roster.
boxcar and reefer (HO)
Special run for Trainfest
in Milwaukee, Wis. - Nov. 13 & 14, 2004.
Double Door Boxcar (O scale)
From MTH Electric Trains.
Decals (HO scale)
Ann Arbor Railroad Technical &
Historical Association offers HO scale decal sets for yellow, red and
green GBW boxcars from the 1950s-1960s.
Added October 2004:
E. McGee #312
Leads a freight train.
in Sturgeon Bay (ca. 1940)
GB&W #251 leads a short freight train
across the swing bridge over Sturgeon Bay.
Engine No. 18 is cut off from the
train on the main line to switch the house and industry tracks,
including the W.W. Cargill elevator at Whitehall, Wisconsin.
O Scale Freight Cars:
bay offset side hopper and 40' yellow boxcar from MTH Electric Trains
and 50' PS-1 boxcar from Atlas O.
Street (1993)
No. 306 works Job 1 as it pulls the
former Milwaukee Road interchange at Hudson Street in Green Bay on July
30, 1993.
Added September 2004:
Caboose #605 Rediscovered!
the thirty years the trail of this relic of GBW's past went cold --
despite rumors that it still existed somewhere in the woods of
Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
A&W #600 Builders Photo
Ahnapee & Western dieselized in 1953 with a pair of General Electric
70-Ton switchers.
50-foot exterior post boxcar from Athearn's FMC 5347 boxcar model
(HO scale)
Tips to model a common Green Bay &
Western 50' boxcar from the 1980s.
No. 4 at Plover (1992)
A dirty Alco C-424 works industries at
#94 (ca. 1940)
Ahnapee & Western coach #94 in MOW
Added August 2004:
#307 at Norwood (ca. 1960)
shots of RS-2 #302 and RS-3 #307 together at Norwood Yard in Green Bay,
taken on the same day.
End... (1993)
The Wisconsin Rapids engine terminal, six hours after the
Fox Valley & Western Railroad takeover.
50' boxcar model
(HO scale)
From GB&W Preservation Group
#310 (1967)
The spring thaw is underway and Alco RS-27 (model DL640) sits in a
slushy Wisconsin Rapids yard.
Train No. 10 (1991)
Short-lived "Sprint" Train No. 10 prepares to depart
Wisconsin Rapids on June 19, 1991.
on the CALM (ca. 1995)
Former GBW Alco C424 #319 operating in Arkansas on the short-lived
Caddo, Antoine & Little Missouri Railroad.
Yard (1961)
It's August 1961 and FA-1 #507 and RS-27 #310 are in the Winona,
Minnesota yard, the western end of the railroad.
Stock (1914)
Clinton Ledyard Blair, a grandson John Insley Blair (of one of the
original investors in the Green Bay Route), took ownership of one share
of the Ahnapee & Western RR.
Line Detour (1992)
GB&W train comes off the former Milwaukee Road
"Valley Line" at Wisconsin Rapids.
Center (1987)
GBW's "Job C" passes eastbound through Alma Center in early
Tower (1992)
RS-20 #307 passes Broadway Tower before heading across
the Fox River bridge to work Green Bay's paper mill district.
Added July 2004:
A postcard view of business car "Roamer" in front of the
Rock Island's depot at Ottawa, Ill.
Car Roster
Passenger cars of the railroad nicknamed the "Grab Baggage
& Walk."
RS-2 (HO)
Life-Like Products will be producing an Alco RS-2 n its Proto 1000
line. The loco will not be available painted for GBW, but will come in
an unpainted version.
The Baumann Report
Jeff Baumann gives his report on what's happening to
the ex-GB&W in and around Green Bay.
2 at Wis. Rapids (1986)
Train No. 2 arrives at Wisconsin Rapids and meets the afternoon
yard job that will reclassify its train.
3004 (ca. 1953)
The Ahnapee & Western had several of these wood reefers in the
1940s-50s to haul canned goods from Door County canning plants.
Billboard Reefer (O scale)
GB TV Service & Trains will produce a limited edition reefer
with Balza's Pickles & Krauts billboard lettering.
See more cars in the Freight Car
Photo Roster.
Added June 2004:
at Wisconsin Rapids (ca. 1975)
The business car was built from two International Car Company
caboose shells mounted on a former Milwaukee Road 50' boxcar
Power (1980)
GBW #305-308 were Alco RS-3s rebuilt with Alco 251 2000-horsepower
engines and a lowered short hood.
diesel (HO scale)
Life-Like Products will be producing an HO scale Proto 2000 Alco
RS-27 diesel, according to All American Trains.
(1891, 1902, 1906) |
#207 in Green Bay (1979)
Information on Erie Western #207, which spent several years on the
Green Bay Route in the early 1980s.
#315 (1980)
The bright red paint of the 1970s has faded in this photo taken a
few years after the Itel purchase of the GB&W.
Card (1991)
GB&W #319 at Wisconsin Rapids
Pass (1891)
The line operated as the Green Bay, Winona &
St. Paul RR until 1896. This pass was issued to a freight
agent of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RR, which had a
controlling interest in the GBW&StP.
Branch Ticket (1943)
A one-way ticket from Waupaca to Granite, a three-mile trip on the
Waupaca Branch.
15030 (ca. 1958)
These 40' boxcars were rebuilt from 14000-series double door auto
loaders. See more cars in the Freight Car
Photo Roster.
Added May 2004:
on No. 2 (1992)
Conductor Randy Schultz talks things over with brakeman Rich Hanke
prior to departing with Train No. 2 on October 3, 1992.
Bellemore's models (HO)
GBW power on the Windsor (Ontario) Modular Railroad Club.
40-foot red boxcar from Intermountain's kit (HO)
A Green Bay & Western 40' boxcar as it appeared in the early
End of Norwood (1993)
No. 306 is busy assembling westbound
Train No. 1.
52'-6'' Fluted Side
Gondola (HO)
LBF Company may be producing their 52'-6'' general
service gondola with fluted sides and strap ends lettered for GBW. The
Railroad Ready� model will be decorated in the USA and assembled
in China with metal wheels and McHenry couplers. Four different road
numbers. Anticipated delivery date: Fall 2004.
Dam (1907)
Photos of the construction shows a locomotive used for
construction and captures a GB&W train led by a 4-4-0 passing the
construction site.
Added April 2004:
Two FA-1s lead a westbound train somewhere on the
Similar to GBW 6000-6298, but with 3/3/3 dreadnaught
ends. Ron Stuckey photo, from the collection of Andy
Laurent. This is one of the car numbers that 5th Avenue Shops
used on their KGB boxcar and is a great view showing the lumber end of
the boxcar. Notice the end lettering above the coupler. See more
cars in the Freight Car
Photo Roster.
Shops (1993)
C-424 Nos. 319 and 320 rest at Norwood awaiting
routine maintenance.
red boxcar decals (multiple scales)
Scale Rail Graphics has added a decal set for GB&W
red 40' boxcars to their catalog.
#257 (ca. 1940)
In Algoma, Wis.
50' Boxcar (HO)
Athearn Inc. will be offering their FMC
5,347-cubic-foot boxcar lettered for GBW's standard yellow & black
in Howard (1991)
C-420 No. 323, built as Lehigh & Hudson River No.
27 in February 1966, works the industrial park in Howard on
August 20, 1991.
Added March 2004:
Today (2004)
What's left of the GB&W in Winona, Minnesota.
E. McGee (1992)
#312 pauses between moves at "165," the
Badger Sand & Mining load out in Taylor, Wis.
14038 (Freight Car
Photo Roster)
Twenty-five double door boxcars arrived in 1930 for
automobile service; they were later rebuilt as single door cars as
shown in this photo. Note the deep side sill where the double door had
been. The last of these cars were retired in 1970.
#399 (ca. 1940)
GBW #399 has a full tender of coal and is ready for
its next assignment.
List (1943/1953)
Over 1,500 GB&W customers compiled
from a 1943 and a 1953 Directory of Industries
published by the railroad.
at Del Monte (1993)
New Year's Day 1993 was not a holiday for the crew on
the Plover way freight as business continued to boom in GB&W's
last year.
Brass RS-3 Loco
Overland Models has announced a brass model of an Alco
RS-3 with a phase 3 car body. The model will be fabricated by Ajin
Precision of Seoul, Korea and be factory painted in the GBW
red-and-gray scheme. (Expected during 2004.)
7109 (model)
Build this model of a 1950s-60s gondola starting with
a MDC kit
Added February 2004:
removal at Oneida
In this month's Baumann
This Green Bay Route deck is from the 1970s.
Updated information gives the month that each diesel
locomotive first received the all-red paint scheme in the late 1960s
and early 1970s.
Bay Foods (ca. 1965)
Information on the three spur tracks at Green Bay
Foods and the cars and products typically spotted at each.
Added January 2004:
Photo Roster
Images of many of the GBW's caboose fleet.
boxcar (HO scale)
MDC Roundhouse is producing a ready-to-run 50' FMC plug door boxcar
lettered for GBW.
52 (1992)
In the Freight Car Photo Roster. (Jon Ruesch photo.)
Added December 2003:
in Shop (1975)
A major failure required a complete rebuild of the
Alco C-430 #315 in GBW's Norwood Yard shops.
In the Freight Car
Photo Roster. (Bob Welke photo.)
More photo roster photos:
KGB 4567

GBW 8330

GBW 7023
GBW 22045
Additional car numbers for the HO scale Branchline
Trains Western Refrigerator Lines (WRX) reefers.
Added November 2003:
An unusual billboard type advertising
the Green Bay Route / Western Refrigerator Lines.
Lantern (ca. 1929)
This GB&W caboose marker lantern
dates to the 1920s.
'Proto 1000' RS-11
Life-Like Products will be producing an
HO Proto 1000 Alco RS-11 diesel. Expected ship date is January 2004.
Combine (ca. 1920)
A photo of a Kewaunee, Green Bay &
Western passenger - baggage combine shows a group of men (perhaps the
train crew?) in front of the car at an unnamed location.
An interesting ticket from The Green
Bay, Winona & St. Paul RR. The punches indicate that it cost
$1.40 for a July 24, 1882 trip from Oneida to New London,
Wisconsin -- a distance of 29 miles.
run boxcar (HO)
For sale at Trainfest
in Milwaukee, Nov. 8-9, 2003
Added October 2003:
Spreader (O scale)
MTH Electric Trains is producing a
Jordan Spreader painted and lettered for the GBW 1980s-90s scheme. The
model had moveable plow wings, interior and headlight lighting, and
can operate on O-31 curves. It is available lettered for GBW X190 or
Added September 2003:
Bridge (1981)
The Winona Bridge Railway's Mississippi
River bridge swing span from the center looking toward Winona.
Engineers and Firemen
Engineers and firemen as of July 1,
Model Railroad Club
The Seymour Model Railroad Club
sports a fine roster of HO scale Green Bay & Western locomotives
at its engine facility.
GBW 40' single sheathed wood boxcar.
wood boxcar (HO scale)
Model News:
5th Avenue Car Shops has announced GBW 8100-series 6-panel, steel end
wood outside braced boxcars in HO scale.
Two-bay hopper
(HO scale)
Model News:
GB&W Preservation Group (affiliated with the Soo Line Historical
& Technical Society) has announced KGBW/GBW 401-series offset side
twin hoppers in HO scale.
Added August 2003:
RS-20 on the WBJ & So. RR (Model)
Progress on the 7.5" gage (1:7.5 scale) GBW
RS-20 taking shape on the West�Bend, Jackson &
117 in Plover (2003)
An update on the restoration of GBW #117 in
Heritage Park, Plover, Wis.
Bridge (1976)
Mississippi River bridge and the Trempealeau
Valley Limited.
Trempealeau Valley Limited
Schedule of the May 29-30, 1976 Trempealeau
Valley Limited excursion.
two-bay hopper (S)
Model News: S Helper
Service has released a 55-ton open-top offset hopper. The ready-to-run
cars are lettered for GBW and feature injection-molded ABS plastic
bodies, a die-cast Zamac center sill, opening hopper doors, metal grab
irons, and AB brakes with an Ajax brake wheel and housing..
#102 (June 1968)
GBW #102 in Port Edwards, Wis.
two-bay hopper (O)
Model News: Weaver
Models is producing models of two-bay offset side hoppers. The
ready-to-run cars come in 2-rail and 3-rail versions and will have 12
different road numbers. They are painted in the yellow late
1960s-1980s scheme.
wood reefer (O)
Model News: GB TV
Service & Trains is producing a special run of Atlas O 40' wood
Western Refrigerator Lines reefers with billboard lettering for
Reynold's Cherryland Cherries, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. The cars are
available with two different numbers in 2-rail and 3-rail versions.
50' boxcar (N)
Model News:
Micro-Trains has reissued its N scale GBW 50-foot standard boxcar. The
car has yellow sides/ends/roof, black lettering with car number #3020,
a red/white herald, Youngstown 8-foot door, roof walk, and high
ladders. This car was originally released as GBW #3027 in October
Added July 2003:
Rolling Stock Roster
Freight car roster data compiled from
35 Official Railway Equipment Registers spanning 1940-1993.
1718 Boxcar (2003)
Added to the Photo Roster.
These 50' boxcars were unique in that they had no GBW herald.
27xx Boxcar (2003)
Added to the Photo Roster.
GBW 2700-2709 arrived in 1969; Similar car series 2710-2729 arrived in
1971 but only had a black outline GREEN BAY ROUTE herald.
Added June 2003:
Hardwoods (1949)
One of the largest shippers on the Ahnapee &
GBW&StP Pass
A pass from the Green Bay, Winona & St. Paul RR.
This road was a predecessor of the Green Bay & Western. Miss Fell
was the daughter of a D.L.& W. freight agent.
9436 (ca. 1969)
All-steel insulated boxcar used by the Western
Refrigerator Lines.
Gray mugs made in China carry the modern GBW logo.
(ca. 1933)
A bunch of boys and young men mock drinking in front
of the depot in Scandinavia.
9047 (1951)
Added to the Freight Car
Photo Roster.
Reefer (HO)
Model News: Branchline
Trains is producing a limited edition of their 40' ACF Reefer lettered
for the GBW subsidiary Western Refrigerator Lines. The cars has the
simplified scheme used in the late 1940s and 1950s.
Added May 2003:
Amherst Junction
Early postcards of the Amherst Junction



Tom Hartberger of Hartford, Wis. is building a
7.5" gauge (1:7.5 scale) model of a GBW RS-20.
This article appeared in the April 20-26, 2003
Luxemburg News.
Preussler's GBW layout
Marv Preussler is creating a fantastic Green Bay
& Western layout, covering the Kewaunee to Black Creek
Added to the Freight Car
Photo Roster.
Added to the Freight Car
Photo Roster.
action on the Hiawatha Lines:
RS-2 #302 leads train #3 westbound in Utica.
Deb Fifield is recreating the railroad scene of Winona on her 16' x
30' HO Hiawatha Lines in Alliance, Nebraska.
Added April 2003:
Refrigerator Line reefer lettering diagram
boxcar red roof, ends, trucks and underbody. Black lettering; red and
black herald.
Junction (1910)
An early postcard of the Amherst Junction
boxcar lettering diagram
BOXCAR RED 40' WOOD BOXCAR (1950s-60s) White
lettering, black and white herald.
Added March 2003:
HO scale Alco C-424
Here are ideas for detailing the new Atlas HO scale
GB&W Alco C-424 model to more closely reflect the prototype.
This 1938-1939 linen pass was renewed for 1940-1941
by hand writing.
Post Boxcar (HO model)
InterMountain Railway Company will be producing an
HO ready-to-run model of a Pullman-Standard 5277 boxcar, lettered for
GBW. Expected date: summer of 2003.
Bay and Western Color Pictorial (book)
This new book by Andrew Nelson and published by
Four Ways West Publications, is due in stores April
2003. Four Ways West is taking discounted pre-publication
Added February 2003:
KGB wood boxcar (HO model)
5th Avenue Car Shops, P.O. Box 423, LaGrange IL
60525, is producing an Accurail custom HO 6-panel 40' Kewaunee, Green
Bay & Western boxcar kit with wood doors and dreadnaught ends.
Diagrams (1947)
1947 Green Bay & Western Locomotive
and Equipment Diagrams
Added September 2002:
Wilson's 4127
Craig Wilson started with an Accurail
50-foot AAR Boxcar kit to make this great model of a 1970s-era Green
Bay & Western boxcar.
Scale Ribside Boxcar Decals (model news)
Premiere Plus Decals has an N scale
decal set for 50' single door FMC style (Railbox) boxcars.
Train (1951)
This Howard Fogg.painting appeared on
the back page of the 1951 annual report.
Ferry Yard (1952)
This painting of the Kewaunee Carferry yard appeared
on the back page of the 1952 annual report.
Train (1958)
A pair of Alco FA-1s pull a freight train along a swollen and muddy
Trempealeau River. |
Equipment (1959)
This photo from the 1959 annual report highlights some of the
newsiest locomotives and cars on the railroad.
Wis. Rapids Depot (1959)
Old depot at Wisconsin Rapids, built in 1886, which has been
Wis. Rapids Depot (1959)
New depot and office building at Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin,
constructed in 1959.
Builders Photo (1960)
New 2400 horsepower diesel.